Smart Rooms for a smarter future
As technology improves, so can the future of Rwanda’s young people…
IT has proved to be one of the most pervasive technologies of recent years and many agree we now live in the information age. Basic IT skills are a requirement for many educational, job and business opportunities. Our aim is to provide IT training facilities that also double up as “Smart Rooms” - facilities for people to access information on the internet.
Our approach is to install a 12 computer network, with one server, in a suitable room, as well as a separate computer for the instructor. We will recruit a volunteer with expert skills in IT and training to set up the facility and work with local people who will, eventually, become responsible for the maintenance of the lab and the training programs.
When not used for training, the facility will be used by people to browse and search for information, search for job and business opportunities, participate in online training programs from recognised Universities, develop programming skills, and develop other digital skills that would enable them to increases their skill sets for work or business.
Facilities like these provide will provide opportunity and information to help improve the trajectory of Rwanda’s young people.